L ST Vision 2010

Excerpt from the 2010 City of Arcata’s Vision for the L Street Corridor 

Multi-use trails can be enhanced with amenities like trailheads, signs, and
improved streetscapes. The following concepts are recommended amenities that
should be included when the Arcata RWT is implemented.
L Street
The one location where the Arcata RWT interfaces with the street grid network
of the City is at L Street. This is a very low volume street with almost exclusively
local traffic. This is the ideal location for a shared use street that includes the Arcata
The following features are included in the design:
Mid-block bollards to close the street to through traffic, but permit fire access
The narrow street insures slow moving vehicles on the street
The trees, benches, planters with seat walls and lights provide pedestrian elements
Planters can be used as community garden space
Sculpture footings can be placed along the street for art installations
Colored pavers increase visibility of crosswalks
               Curb extensions at the corners to calm traffic and improve safety for pedestrians                  P105    

 Beginning on page 105, Section 10, a majority of the

2010 vision for the L St Rails with Trails can be found.
