The Great Redwood Trail – Ukiah – City of Ukiah, CA
The Great Redwood Trail – Ukiah
The City of Ukiah, with deep and broad public support, has been very active in developing the Great Redwood Trail within the City limits. The trail provides a much-needed, safe and efficient corridor for bicycle and pedestrian traffic, as well as direct access to major employment centers, services, shopping, residential areas, the future Mendocino County Courthouse, and connectivity to other bicycle routes throughout the city. The first three phases, with funding from three different grant sources, have been completed and now provide close to 2-miles of class I multi-purpose path for bicycle and pedestrian traffic to move through the city.
In the summer of 2020 the City Council voted to designate the corridor inside the City limits as a park. In December of 2020, in cooperation with North Coast Opportunities’ Walk & Bike Mendocino, the City developed and adopted a Master Plan for developing the corridor as the Great Redwood Trail – Ukiah Linear Park. Based on community input the plan outlines a wide variety of amenities deemed appropriate for transforming the corridor from a dilapidated, eye sore into a linear park that will provide benefit to the community for generations to come.
The Great Redwood Trail – Ukiah – City of Ukiah, CA
Microsoft Word – GRT Park Master Plan Final (